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Why is it translated “hedgehog?”
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Legacy Standard Bible

Do you ever wonder why certain words are translated the way they are? So do we! We hope you find this information that first appeared in the Facebook group helpful. A recent exchange questioned the use of “hedgehog” in the LSB. The reader asked,At Is 14:23 the LSB translates qipppod as “hedgehog”. Most translations have ...


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What does “cut a covenant” mean?
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Legacy Standard Bible

The Legacy Standard Bible frequently uses a term that is not very familiar today: “cut a covenant.” But have you ever wondered what this phrase means? Why does the LSB translate it this way? Dr. William Varner, one of the translators of the LSB, describes it this way: One contribution of the LSB is to ...


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Why are words spelled differently in different places in the Bible?
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Legacy Standard Bible

Ever wonder why the LSB was translated a certain way? So do many members of the “Legacy Standard Bible Fan Group” on Facebook. In this series of articles, we will be highlighting some insightful questions about the LSB translation process along with the answers a few of the translators provided.  Should Uzza be spelled the ...


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The Way Consistency Ties the Testaments Together
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Legacy Standard Bible

We at 316 Publishing are blessed to have the support of the translators in pointing out what it is that makes the LSB such a unique translation. Recently, Dr. Abner Chou, Interim President of the Master’s University, interacted with the Facebook Legacy Standard Bible Fan Group with a couple of posts that we would like ...


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Hebrew Acrostics and Lamentations 3
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Joseph Zhakevich

The word of God is beautiful. Not only is it beautiful for its verbal-plenary inspiration; it is also beautiful as a piece of literary genius. One component of that is acrostics. The following paragraph, taken from the forthcoming foreword to the complete edition of the Legacy Standard Bible, describes the acrostic texts as follows: At ...


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An Update on the Legacy Standard Bible Project
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Legacy Standard Bible

Greetings LSB Readers, Its been two months since our last blog post, and today, we want to provide an update on the progress of the full edition of the Legacy Standard Bible.  Last week, a file of the translation work was sent to a metadata company that reviews all the text and coding within the ...


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Legacy Standard Bible
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Abner Chou

*This article was originally published on https://www.masters.edu/news/legacy-article-bible.html and is reposted with permission. Both the mandate and the model for Bible translation are contained in Scripture itself. God has promised His Son a people from every people, nation, and language (Dan 7:14). The gospel must therefore go to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). That is the ...


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Pleading to Jesus
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Abner Chou

The Gospel of Mark wants us to focus upon how Jesus is the Suffering Servant. The very opening of the gospel begins with a proclamation from the book of Isaiah, the book that proclaims that Jesus will be the Suffering Servant. From that point forward, Mark brings out how Jesus fulfills those ancient prophecies. To ...


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The Bread of Life from the House of Bread
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William Varner

“But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from everlasting, From the ancient days. ~ Micah 5:2 ~ This verse promises that the ruler in Israel will come from Bethlehem Ephrathah in ...


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God’s Bountiful Provision — Psalm 65
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Abner Chou

Thanksgiving is a time which reminds us of bounty and fullness. We see the bounty of tables of food, bountiful fellowship with family, and the bounty of the joy that begins the Christmas season. We enjoy this bounty, look forward to it, and sometimes take it for granted. There is a Psalm that reminds us ...